
Download Aerosoft Crj Tutorial Pfpx Flight Plan UPDATED

Download Aerosoft Crj Tutorial Pfpx Flight Plan


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Reviewed past: Marlon Carter


Over the past few years, the master focus of the FS community seemed to be centered on mid to long range airliners such equally the 737, A320 and 777. While this focus was most welcome due to the existent world popularity of these aircraft, it also created a void for the short to mid-range regional aircraft that are too quite popular at whatever given airport. When it comes to regional airliners, ane of the near popular models in use around the world is the CRJ series produced past Bombardier. The CRJ series has served as the backbone of the regional airline market in many countries and they are often the very beginning aircraft flown by a newly employed airline pilot.

Throughout the past 26 years, the CRJ serial has seen a significant evolution in an effort to improve serve airlines and growing markets. Starting with the CRJ-200 which has a capacity of 50 seats, we are now seeing the CRJ series being utilized for conveying as many as threescore – 100 seats with the 700, 900 and now the 1000 series.  In an effort to generate interest in the pop CRJ series, Aerosoft decided to recreate this amazing and versatile shipping for the benefit of flight simulator enthusiast. With the CRJ-200 serial slowly beingness phased out past some airlines in favor of the CRJ-700/ 900 series, Aerosoft decided to focus their attention on the CRJ 700/900 series.

If y'all've been around the FS community for the past ten+ years, this product release should come every bit no surprise since this production has been in evolution for a number of years. With so many questions about the evolution and delays surrounding this highly anticipated product, I thought it would be a adept idea to conversation with Mathijs Kok from Aerosoft in an effort to understand not only why this product had such a lengthy evolution, only also to find out some of its key features and "target audition."001.jpg


Can you tell united states of america why Aerosoft decided to produce the CRJ series?

Personally I always liked short haul aircraft as they are and so much more fun, but basically it was perhaps the last aircraft still used in some numbers that did not take a expert sim version. And then honestly a lot of the consideration was commercial.

Is in that location any particular reason why the CRJ-200 was excluded?

Yes. There are some pregnant differences between the 200 and the larger versions, it would really take expanded the project too much to exist feasible.

Were at that place whatsoever significant challenges during the development of this product?

I think nearly people know this project was many many years belatedly. The main reason was a lack of resources in Digital Aviation. Basically it is just Hans Hartmann so when the projection gets delayed it is difficult to catch up. And as 'country of the art' advances all the fourth dimension you are soon trying to reach a moving target. For almost two years we were not completing the project but redoing parts that looked outdated. It was very painful to be honest.

With regard to the shipping performance, how was Aerosoft able to ensure that the aircraft had the correct handling and performance?

No problems there, we had a lot of friends who either fly CRJ'due south or have washed so in the past. Well-nigh half the testers were actual pilots or people working in maintenance. If anything nosotros had too much information!

Are there whatsoever features in the CRJ serial that tin exist considered "new" in comparison to other releases by Aerosoft?

Not really. Information technology's designed equally a very 'solid' product. Not extremely 'wide' in features as the Airbuses and really aimed at flying the shipping. As with the Busses we really exercise not intendance about systems that are never used (or used once in tens of thousands of hours).

Will the FS community meet more regional aircraft from Aerosoft in the future?

As I said, we similar them, then who knows. Cypher we are willing to share at this moment though.

Who would yous say is the target audience for the CRJ? Is this a product tailored to hardcore FS enthusiast? Or is this a production that will be relatively easy for beginners to enjoy from day 1?

It'due south virtually certainly non an like shooting fish in a barrel production to go into (if just because CRJ's are really very different from Boeings or Airbuses) and we do expect customers to have flown other less complex aircraft before. But basically, as it is the most advanced CRJ for the FS platform, everybody who likes them is a potential client.

Is at that place anything else you would like the FS community to know about this product or Aerosoft in general?

I remember nearly people know well-nigh Aerosoft these days. I do like to say something about the CRJ though. Nosotros released it because we felt it was ready to be used. Information technology'due south not finished though, we are still working full blast on it. Partly fixing problems and partly adding features customers demanded. Only when we deliver the files for boxed distribution practise we consider it 'ready'. That will be a few weeks from now. Some customers might prefer to wait for that one, others like to become into the activeness early and accept some influence on how the production evolves. This is 2017 and we should see the customers are partners to some caste. Not simply people who pay.

I also like to say something about the CTD'south we are facing in P3d V4. It'southward something all the development teams of more circuitous aircraft face up at this moment. They are incredibly difficult to rails downwardly and well-nigh seem random. Though some issues are stock-still and some are less likely to appear, we do need some help from Lockheed. And the team at Lockheed what it is, nosotros do get that assist. It'south a very new sim and just similar the CRJ it needs to mature a flake. Nosotros do love information technology however!!

We certainly want to thank Mathijs for provided these insights. As with any highly anticipated production, an expanse of corking interest is the listing of features offered. Here is a list of the features that you can expect to savor should you decide to purchase this product.


Exquisite modelling with many animations with upwards-to-date standards

VAS and FPS friendly because we love complex airports as much as yous do

Extended Flight Management System delivered with August 2017 nav data (uniform with NavDataPro and Navigraph)

Consummate MCDU with total keyboard control option

All displays bachelor as high resolution 2D windows

Highly authentic flight model

Panel Country saving/loading

Standard Sound set washed by Turbine Sounds Systems, additional Virtual Cockpit sounds provide by Aerosoft

Heads-upwardly Guidance system

Includes Frank, our avatar to walk effectually the aircraft and airports (Prepar3D only)

Fully functional (though linked to this shipping) RAAS provided past FS2Crew

Consummate management tool to load fuel, passengers, and luggage. This tool also allows you to tweak the simulation to your hardware

Livery manager with elevate and drop functionality

Fully prepared for AES, Chaseplane, PFPX

Many new options to tweak the product to your likings and your hardware, for example to link a hardware command to the olfactory organ wheel steering

Our Virtual Cockpit tool (DAVE) has checklists, fuel and rider loading, change settings, etc.

5 manuals, including detailed step-past-step documentation

Fully Prepar3D V4 uniform with dynamic lights and several other adaptations to employ the newest applied science

CRJ 700 models:

Lufthansa Regional D-ACSB

American Eagle N508AE

HOP! Air France F-GRZH

Lufthansa Regional Star Brotherhood D-ACPT

United Express N770SK

Alaska Airlines N215AG

American Eagle N508AE OC

Brit Air F-GRZG

Conviasa YV2088

Delta Airways N367CA

Horizon Air N613QX

SA Express ZS-NLT

Styrian Spirit OE-LSF

CRJ 900 models:

Lufthansa Regional D-ACNN

Lufthansa Regional D-ACKI

US Airways Express N247LR

Air Nostrum EC-JYA

Delta Airways N806SK

Adria Airways S5-AAK

Air Canada Express C-GOJZ

Air Nostrum EC-JZS

Air One EI-DOT

Atlas Global TC-ETC

Binter Canarias EC-MEN


SAS Scandinavian Airlines OY-KFI

Every bit y'all can see, the list of features is quite extensive and in addition to having a host of in-depth features, this product comes with a number of popular liveries to suit your needs. If you would similar to come across the CRJ in action, delight have a look at the preview video below. Thereafter, we will dive right into the review by get-go of all examining the documentation.


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The documentation that comes with any addition shipping can easily be an indication of the quality and depth of the product itself. When a develop offers a poorly compiled or lack of sufficient data on the product, information technology hands signals to the buyer that this product really doesn't offering much. While some are not addicted of reading, in the world of aviation, being an avid reader is something you lot cannot escape. With the Aerosoft CRJ, the documentation that comes with this product includes details on throttle configuration, operating manuals, checklist, v-speeds and much more than. What was equally impressive is that these documents didn't cover v-x pages of information, but it offers in some cases as many as over 100 pages of information in i document alone. With such an assortment of information to digest, I was also impressed with the relaxed writing way which was detailed but entertaining. My overall impression from the documentation provided is that this product is definitely a cut above the boilerplate shipping add-on. While non on the same level as the Imperial Q400, the CRJ series certainly isn't far off.


Afterwards loading the CRJ series into FSX/P3D, your very first introduction to the aircraft is a stunning virtual cockpit that perfectly captures the await and dimensions of the real CRJ cockpit. The modelling work that has gone into this project is outstanding to say the least and you lot volition be very impressed with the level of detail seen throughout the cockpit. Both the appearance and animation of switches, buttons and levers are all recreated with a remarkable level of detail which is expected of any add-on released in 2017.

Looking at the displays, the CRJ series comes with CRT displays which are a fleck older than the more modern LCD displays seen in newer airlines. Nonetheless, CRT displays have a very distinctive appearance with a askew border in all 4 corners of the display. While the CRJ displays could take been a bit more "CRT Like" in appearance, they were very clear and like shooting fish in a barrel to read. As an added option, users tin also utilise a 2nd pop-up of these displays which can be resized for your needs.

Equally far every bit the textures are concerned, Aerosoft has once again outdone themselves with an assortment of high quality textures seen throughout the cockpit. One aspect of cockpit textures often brushed over are the cockpit placards which are often very depression resolution and sometimes unreadable. With the CRJ series, Aerosoft has ensured that the virtual cockpit of the CRJ series lives up to the demands of simmers and real pilots from a visual perspective. While keeping performance in listen, the textures used in the virtual cockpit may not exist 4K, merely they certainly wait outstanding both during the twenty-four hours and night fourth dimension. Hither are a few screenshots that nicely showcase the cockpit of the CRJ-700/900.

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Looking at the exterior of the aircraft, you tin't help only to be awe-struck past the level of item that was meticulously recreated during the development of this product. The CRJ series is a unique aircraft with an unmistakable appearance. Aerosoft has done an outstanding chore at modeling both the 700 and 900 serial with all of their major and subtle differences. As you look advisedly at both models, you will quickly see an assortment of details that go above and beyond the expectations of almost eye candy fanatics. For example, the landing gears, flaps, wing, cargo doors and compartments are all modeled and blithe to a high degree of accuracy. I of my favorite only subtle features is the main door blitheness that as well caters to the option using a Jetways past lowering the side rails. This is just one of many examples of the level of detail seen throughout the exterior model of the CRJ-700/900 series.

As far as the textures are concerned, the outside model comes with a vast array of liveries that are all very detailed. The textures may not be 4K, simply they are certainly high quality. This is also seen in areas typically disregarded past other developers such equally the gear bay and other less noticeable areas. Since a picture is worth a grand words, here are few screenshots of the outside model of the 700/900 serial for your pleasance.

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EST Flying
During our test flight, we will be examining the flying model and the systems of the aircraft to come across whether they stay true to the full general characteristics of the CRJ-700/900. While I am not a CRJ pilot, the testing team consisted of many individuals who are current CRJ pilots. As mentioned in our interview with Mathijs, in that location was sufficient feedback to signal that the characteristics of the shipping are as true to life every bit you can expect inside the confines of FSX/P3D. Ultimately, by the finish of this test flight we will run across whether or not these claims are plausible.
For our serial of test flights, I've had the opportunity to fly the CRJ-700/900 on numerous routes under a variety of conditions. Some of these flights featured destinations such every bit KMSP, KLGA, KDCA, EDDF and EDDM. If you are wondering why these destinations were specifically select, these are all airports that not but meet abiding CRJ traffic, merely airports such as KLGA and KDCA offer challenging approaches that volition examination the shipping's operation and handling. Allow's brainstorm by first of all discussing how the aircraft was setup for each flying then we will examine some of the highlights of my flights to the airports listed above.
Prior to outset whatever flight, a good virtual airplane pilot will always want to ensure that the conditions for flying are within acceptable standards. In addition to this, for a realistic experience, existence able to accurately plan the route and fuel requirements for your flight is an essential part of adept airmanship. To accomplish all of the above, I've establish that PFPX has been an indispensable tool and while PFPX is superb in generating an accurate flightplan, at this time information technology is unable to export the flightplan directly to the CRJ. This means that your options for loading a flightplan is limited to manual entry or making utilise of Simbrief which now supports the Aerosoft CRJ. Additionally, if you lot practice not take PFPX, you lot tin can likewise make use of the CRJ Managing director which allows you to generate passenger, cargo and fuel loads for your flight. Either way, this is the first step to setting up the shipping for any flying. For those of you interesting in going the extra mile, you lot might find Navdata Charts a very useful plan in obtaining all of the necessary airport or enroute charts y'all need for your flight. To keep your FMS upwards to date, you lot may also desire to try Navdata Pro which is similar to the Navigraph database commonly used today. While both versions work well with the CRJ, Navdata Pro offers a convenient method of updating multiple add-ons at once and it is very easy to use.

After setting upward the fuel and weight specifics of your flying, the CRJ Manager also allows you to setup a few more than advanced setting such as Tiller mapping, default systems configurations, sound preferences and more. Among all of these features, you might be wondering what the Tiller mapping is all about. As you may already know, an aircraft such as the CRJ uses a hand tiller for nose cycle steering. This part is separate to the aileron controls simply they can be mapped to your pedals or whatsoever other axis you wish to take a realistic feel while taxiing the aircraft. If you decide not to meddle with these setting, you can rest assured that the aircraft will taxi as normal using your yoke aileron controls only you lot will not see the olfactory organ wheel turn. Now that we've done the initial setup, let's head over to the sim.
After loading the CRJ at the drome of your choosing, the next stride to be completed is the cockpit setup. If you lot are using the CRJ Managing director, this would exist the platonic time to load your fuel and weight settings to your aircraft. All the same, you also have the option of using "DAVE" which is a Tablet/EFB mode unit that allows you to control numerous aspects of the aircraft, including your payload details. By using this tool, you can also configure initial state of the aircraft to be cold and nighttime, fix for engine start or plough around manner. For the sake of this review, I decided to choose the cold and dark setup to exam the initialization of the systems. What was very impressive about this process is that the systems closely matched the setup of the existent aircraft with the displays showing more or less the same indications of the real shipping during the power-upwards stage. Another impressive characteristic is the immersive sound of the cockpit environment as the avionics comes alive. When programming the MCDU, you will find that it is slightly dissimilar to what you may exist used to if you typically fly a Boeing or Airbus aircraft. Nevertheless, the initialization process is very straightforward and I plant that despite the differences, it was merely as easy to load a flightplan and functioning data in comparing to a Boeing aircraft.
For those of y'all who are specially keen on having a realistic experience, y'all may be well aware that while the pilots complete the cockpit setup, typically this would as well be the fourth dimension that passengers and luggage are loaded onboard the aircraft. I was quite pleased to see that "DAVE" also offered options to control the ground services available to the CRJ. These services include ground power and ground air services in add-on to being able to control main and cargo doors. If y'all are a GSX user, you lot volition be happy to know that configuration files are too included with this product and they work flawlessly. With passengers loaded, let'due south run into how this aircraft handles on the ground before we depart.

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The engine start procedure for the CRJ is a adequately automated process and information technology is really much easier than starting upwardly a 737 or 747. During the engine start up I was very impressed with the immersive sound of the engines and the overall process seemed to be every bit authentic as you lot can get in a desktop simulator. While taxiing to the rail, you will immediately notice two things. First of all, the abrasive ground friction issue that has plagued many shipping add-ons has been resolved with the AS CRJ. Aerosoft has introduced this characteristic in an effort to meliorate the overall realism of the aircrafts movement on the ground and they've done a fine job in fixing this outcome. Secondly, if you lot e'er have the opportunity to assign an centrality to your tiller, you will see that taxiing the aircraft becomes an almost effortless task. If you practise non have the means to do so, residue bodacious that your regular yoke or joystick inputs will turn the aircraft but you won't see the nose gear turning. While this isn't realistic, it's an acceptable compromise.

As you line up to the runway after completing your checklist which is accessible through "DAVE," the real fun begins as you lot power upward the throttles to the TOGA detent and the shipping steadily accelerates to rotation speed. During the acceleration, the thumps and other noses commonly heard adds a tremendous level of realism that many other add together-ons often miss.
In one case airborne, the aircraft accelerates to just about 180 – 200kts before the flaps are retracted. Thereafter, the paw flying characteristics of the aircraft actually shines as it cut through the air with a smoothness that encourages you to fly the aircraft rather than relying too much on the autopilot for stability. When engaging the autopilot, the transition from manual flying to motorcar flight is consistently smooth with no erratic maneuvers that may exist discomforting to your virtual passengers. An aspect of this shipping that is especially unique is that it doesn't have the typical VNAV function of your 737 or A320. During the climb phase of your flight, the climb is managed by using the climb detent of the throttle and the speed fashion of the autopilot. With other add-ons that utilise this type of autopilot functionality, I've found that these modes tin can ofttimes be a bit unstable. In this case withal, while information technology isn't perfect, Aerosoft managed to implement a somewhat stable autopilot which has seen some improvement after a few updates since the release of this product. Equally we settle into the cruise portion of the exam flight, nosotros will accept a closer look at a few more of the systems that were modeled in this shipping.

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During the cruise stage of whatever flight, pilots commonly have an opportunity to be a bit more relaxed since the workload is reduced to monitoring frequencies and the shipping systems. With the CRJ, this fact proves to be true with but one exception. With a 747 or fifty-fifty a 737, the autothrottle system makes ability direction a simple task. Since the CRJ doesn't take an AT, it ways that you as the virtual airplane pilot volition be responsible for manually manipulating the throttles to maintain the appropriate prowl power/speed. If y'all are non very experienced with managing the engines of a jet aircraft manually, the CRJ manuals provide a basic guideline in aiming for a power setting of about lxxx%. Of course, depending on your winds, this setting may need to exist increased or decreased to avoid an overspeed warning or maintain an appropriate speed.

For those who have already mastered the art of engine and power direction, the cruise phase of your flight might allow you the opportunity to explore some of the systems of the aircraft in greater detail. Beginning with the most obvious, the CRJ series comes with 6 big displays that feature a Rockwell Collins Proline 4 avionics suite. In add-on to the advanced avionics, the CRJ also includes a Heads-upwards Guidance Organization (HGS) which is useful for your Cat 3 approaches. If we were to beginning of all examine the 6 screen displays, you'll observe that they fully simulate many of the sub-pages that monitor numerous shipping systems such as pressurization, fuel, hydraulics, electrical and more. The overall fidelity of these systems are quite remarkable and while in that location aren't any advanced failures for most of these organization, they provide a counterbalanced level of detail that volition print fifty-fifty the most avid of flight simulator enthusiast.

Moving over the HGS, the display is very high quality and the data beingness displayed closely (if not perfectly) matches what you volition see in the real shipping. While I relish having this feature, personally I detect myself sticking to the cockpit displays while flight. Nonetheless, if you wish to brand life a bit easier and continue your view outside of the aircraft, this is the perfect tool to do and so.

As yous glance at the overhead console of the CRJ, you will see a elementary only essential array of switches that control Electrical ability, Fire detection, fuel, APU, Bleed Air, Air Conditioning, Anti-water ice systems and Exterior lighting. What I appreciate the most about the blueprint of the CRJ is the simplistic layout of the overhead console which seems to operate on the aforementioned "dark cockpit" concept of airbus shipping. This ways that while in the air, if the overhead panel switches are all black, it ways everything is setup correctly. The work that has gone into simulating the systems of this aircraft becomes quite evident as yous select various overhead switches and yous see a corresponding action either in aircraft performance or through various alerts and indications on your displays. If you choose to put the systems of the CRJ to the test, I would suggest doing so on the ground since doing so in the air will speedily ruin your day.

The centre pedestal of the CRJ offers numerous capabilities. For instance, on the middle pedestal y'all have radios, interior lighting, anti-skid, auto reverse, weather radar and a host of controls that are essential to the operation of the shipping. One of the center pedestal items that you lot will probable use quite often is the MCDU. Unlike many other add together-ons that only provide a fraction of the functionality of an FMS/MCDU, Aerosoft has offered a thorough and complete rendition of the MCDU in the CRJ-700 and 900 series. With the ability to perform many advanced navigational functions and accurately manage aircraft performance, this unit of measurement allows y'all to fly some of the most difficult ILS and RNAV approach procedures such as the River Visual 19 to KDCA. With regard to performance information, the MCDU has the power to accurately summate functioning data based on many variables such as winds, weight and vertical path. One of the features of the MCDU which might seem a bit misleading is the VNAV page. As mentioned earlier, the CRJ doesn't have a traditional VNAV system like to what you may exist used to in an A320 or B737. The VNAV page is more often than not used equally a reference and once y'all know how to utilize it, information technology can prove to be very useful.

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As you look to the left or right (depending on which seat you lot are in), you will see yet another useful tool that is maybe 1 of the best additions to this shipping. In the initial setup of the shipping nosotros used the EFB/Tablet chosen "DAVE."  This virtual cockpit tool closely resembles the EFB way tablets unremarkably seen in airliner cockpits today. With this tool, Aerosoft has made it possible for users to control almost every aspect of this shipping when it comes to fuel, passenger loading and assuasive you the option of decision-making numerous airline options. As an example, if you wing with airlines exterior of the U.S, it is likely that the numeric units for weights may be in KG. DAVE offers yous the option of selecting with KG or LBS in improver to default BARO settings which also vary betwixt HPA and IN based on your region.

Other options also take into consideration specific airline options for the MCDU and it besides allows yous set and customize your payload, v-speeds and a few maintenance items. Ultimately, this tool volition exist an indispensable assistance in flying the CRJ and Aerosoft honestly made the right move by including this characteristic.


Now that we've taken a expect around the virtual cockpit and examined some of the features of the aircraft, it'southward now fourth dimension for us to brainstorm planning our descent. Typically with a 737, the descent planning is fairly due to the advanced level of automation and VNAV capabilities. With the CRJ however, flying this aircraft has a way of separating the boys from the men so to speak. Managing the descent phase of your flight with the CRJ is a delicate balance of math and ability management. For the sake of simplicity, we won't become into much of the math involved in coming together an altitude brake, only it is extremely important that you as the airplane pilot be fully in control of the shipping and that y'all fully sympathize the basic concepts of power management. If yous can principal this aspect of flying, you might hardly miss the luxuries of having a VNAV system to manage your descent. If you lot would like to learn more about the descent management of the CRJ, I would highly recommend the Air Nostrum CRJ-900/1000 video from Just Planes.

When it comes to flying an arroyo, I found that the autopilot was quite stable most of the time. What practice I mean by "most of the time?" Well, there were a few times when I found that localizer capture wasn't as smooth as it should be and there were 1 or two occasions when the capture was a fleck late but non excessively enough to compromise off the entire arroyo. If you are paw flying an approach, I found that using the HGS offered a significant reward in keeping track of your grade, speed and altitude thus allowing you to fully enjoy the flying characteristics of the shipping. Later landing, you'll detect that the CRJ functioning quite well when decelerating without having to fight the controls to stay on the centerline. Taxiing to the gate is no different to what we described before, merely when parked at a gate there are a few things nosotros need to take into consideration. For example, if you'll be using a Jetway, having the stairs configured correctly with the railings downwardly is an option that is bachelor through "DAVE." Additionally, with ii GSX configuration files available, y'all'll also demand to know which cargo doors need to exist operated for the ground crew.

Afterward going through your shutdown checklist, you can't help but admire the work that has gone into this product to recreate the remarkably realistic feel of being the PIC of a CRJ. This product not only offers you lot hours of entertainment, simply it also offers you an educational experience both in the systems of the CRJ and the difficult work that goes into flying these regional airliners. Throughout all of my test flights, I tin honestly say that it was always an amazing and challenging experience and I call back that everyone will enjoy using this production.

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To wrap up our test flying, I thought it would be reasonable to discuss PC performance. This is a topic that tin can be a chip touchy and especially so for the Aerosoft CRJ. In all fairness, the performance is proficient if you have a high-end PC, but some have reported that since the last update the functioning saw a slight decrease. Despite this notable subtract in performance, some have also noted that it wasn't a subtract that made it impossible to utilize the aircraft. In addition to operation issues, there were also reports of navigational issues but these are all currently being addressed by Aerosoft and I am confident that they will be resolved. As mentioned earlier, this is a touchy topic and not everyone volition have the aforementioned experiences. Ultimately, if you have an average to high-end system this product will role quite well both within FSX and in P3D.


In conclusion, equally a long-time fan of regional aircraft, I am convinced that the CRJ serial is one of the all-time regional jet products to be released in a very long time. This simulation is a remarkable rendition of the CRJ that even many real world CRJ pilots are impressed with. Though Aerosoft took quite some time to release this product, information technology was certainly worth the wait. The depth of the systems is very well balanced to reflect the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hour period use and expectations of a existent world CRJ pilot. While having working circuit breakers isn't the goal of this product, it is sufficiently well simulated to keep even hardcore simmers on the edge of their seats.

In addition to being an overall fun and intriguing aircraft to fly, the practical benefit of this product can exist seen in ii ways. First of all, due to the lack of an car throttle and the traditional VNAV functions nosotros've grown used to, the CRJ truly helps you to become a better virtual pilot. Being able to effectively manage your speed and descent may require some do, but you will find it extremely rewarding as your abilities equally a virtual pilot is refined. Secondly, if you are an aspiring pilot, it is likely that your very first task might be at an airline that uses the CRJ. While this product is not intended for training purposes, it can be very useful for familiarizing yourself with the basic operation of this aircraft.

With this production featuring ii models and and then many features, one might expect that the price would rival that of other high end add-ons in the over $lx.00 range. Nonetheless, for the price of $49.99 USD for either the boxed or download versions that are compatible with both P3D and FSX, y'all will see that the price point of this product is more generous. For providing a highly detailed product at a remarkable value, the Aerosoft CRJ series has certainly earned itself a nine/10 score for offering everyone the opportunity to feel the thrill of flight this amazing regional aircraft. Why not give it a endeavor?


ADDITIONAL Information

For those interested, here is a list of all the products used or seen throughout this review. These airports typically see a large volume of CRJ flights.

AEROSOFT Mega Airport Frankfurt V2.0

Finally, if y'all would like to larn more than about flying the CRJ, I would highly recommend these Just Planes video titles.

Air Nostrum CRJ-900/CRJ-k – One of the best CRJ videos you will find!
Preview - https://world wide

Styrian CRJ-700
Preview - https://world wide

Pluna CRJ-900

Preview -


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